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Deno documentation
The global namespace where Deno specific, non-standard APIs are located.


Tools for managing state, scheduling tasks, and interacting with key-value stores. Eg [`Deno.openKv`](././~/Deno.openKv), [`Deno.cron`](././~/Deno.cron)


Error types and utilities for handling exceptions and custom error scenarios. Helps improve error handling and debugging. Eg [`Deno.errors.NotFound`](././~/Deno.errors.NotFound)


Foreign Function Interface. Call functions from shared libraries (e.g., C/C++) directly from Deno. Useful for integrating with existing native code or accessing low-level system functionality. Eg [`Deno.dlopen`](././~/Deno.dlopen)


HTTP client for fetching data across a network. Retrieve resources from servers, handle responses, and manage network requests. Eg `fetch`, `Response`, `Request`, `Headers`

File System

File System APIs for working with files, directories, and file metadata. Includes functions for reading, writing, and manipulating file paths. Eg [`Deno.readDir`](././~/Deno.readDir), [`Deno.readTextFile`](././~/Deno.readTextFile)


GPU programming and rendering. Efficiently use a device’s graphics processing unit (GPU) for high-performance computations and complex image rendering. Eg `GPUDevice`

HTTP Server

Handling HTTP requests, serving responses, and managing server behavior. Eg `Deno.serveHttp`, [`Deno.serve`](././~/Deno.serve)


Interfaces for reading, writing, seeking, and managing resources. For handling of data streams, file I/O, and console interactions. Eg [`Deno.stdin`](././~/Deno.stdin), [`Deno.inspect`](././~/Deno.inspect)


Create interactive notebooks and execute code cells. Useful for data analysis, visualization, and educational purposes. Eg [`Deno.jupyter`](././~/Deno.jupyter)


A wide range of networking tasks, from low-level connections to high-level server creation. Handle HTTP requests, WebSocket communication, and DNS resolution. Useful for building web servers, clients, and networking tools. Eg [`Deno.connect`](././~/Deno.connect), [`Deno.listen`](././~/Deno.listen), [`Deno.resolveDns`](././~/Deno.resolveDns)


Permission system controls access to resources (e.g., file system, network, environment variables). Request permissions explicitly, enhancing security and user trust. Eg [`Deno.permissions`](././~/Deno.permissions)


System-related functionality, process management, and observability. Eg [`Deno.mainModule`](././~/Deno.mainModule), [`Deno.exit`](././~/Deno.exit), [`Deno.cwd`](././~/Deno.cwd)


Robust testing and benchmarking capabilities to ensure code quality and performance. Eg [`Deno.test`](././~/Deno.test), [`Deno.bench`](././~/Deno.bench)