method ServerHttp2Stream.respondWithFile
Usage in Deno
```typescript import { type ServerHttp2Stream } from "node:node__http2.d.ts"; ```
ServerHttp2Stream.respondWithFile(): void
Sends a regular file as the response. The `path` must specify a regular file
or an `'error'` event will be emitted on the `Http2Stream` object.
When used, the `Http2Stream` object's `Duplex` interface will be closed
The optional `options.statCheck` function may be specified to give user code
an opportunity to set additional content headers based on the `fs.Stat` details
of the given file:
If an error occurs while attempting to read the file data, the `Http2Stream` will be closed using an
`RST_STREAM` frame using the standard `INTERNAL_ERROR` code.
If the `onError` callback is defined, then it will be called. Otherwise, the stream will be destroyed.
Example using a file path:
import http2 from 'node:http2';
const server = http2.createServer();
server.on('stream', (stream) => {
function statCheck(stat, headers) {
headers['last-modified'] = stat.mtime.toUTCString();
function onError(err) {
// stream.respond() can throw if the stream has been destroyed by
// the other side.
try {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
stream.respond({ ':status': 404 });
} else {
stream.respond({ ':status': 500 });
} catch (err) {
// Perform actual error handling.
{ 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' },
{ statCheck, onError });
The `options.statCheck` function may also be used to cancel the send operation
by returning `false`. For instance, a conditional request may check the stat
results to determine if the file has been modified to return an appropriate `304` response:
import http2 from 'node:http2';
const server = http2.createServer();
server.on('stream', (stream) => {
function statCheck(stat, headers) {
// Check the stat here...
stream.respond({ ':status': 304 });
return false; // Cancel the send operation
{ 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' },
{ statCheck });
The `content-length` header field will be automatically set.
The `offset` and `length` options may be used to limit the response to a
specific range subset. This can be used, for instance, to support HTTP Range
The `options.onError` function may also be used to handle all the errors
that could happen before the delivery of the file is initiated. The
default behavior is to destroy the stream.
When the `options.waitForTrailers` option is set, the `'wantTrailers'` event
will be emitted immediately after queuing the last chunk of payload data to be
sent. The `http2stream.sendTrailers()` method can then be used to sent trailing
header fields to the peer.
When `options.waitForTrailers` is set, the `Http2Stream` will not automatically
close when the final `DATA` frame is transmitted. User code must call either`http2stream.sendTrailers()` or `http2stream.close()` to close the`Http2Stream`.
import http2 from 'node:http2';
const server = http2.createServer();
server.on('stream', (stream) => {
{ 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' },
{ waitForTrailers: true });
stream.on('wantTrailers', () => {
stream.sendTrailers({ ABC: 'some value to send' });
headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders
options: ServerStreamFileResponseOptionsWithError