function getEnabledCategories
Usage in Deno
```typescript import { getEnabledCategories } from "node:node__trace_events.d.ts"; ```
getEnabledCategories(): string | undefined
> [!WARNING] Deno compatibility
> This symbol is a non-functional stub.
Returns a comma-separated list of all currently-enabled trace event
categories. The current set of enabled trace event categories is determined
by the _union_ of all currently-enabled `Tracing` objects and any categories
enabled using the `--trace-event-categories` flag.
Given the file `test.js` below, the command `node --trace-event-categories node.perf test.js` will print `'node.async_hooks,node.perf'` to the console.
import trace_events from 'node:trace_events';
const t1 = trace_events.createTracing({ categories: ['node.async_hooks'] });
const t2 = trace_events.createTracing({ categories: ['node.perf'] });
const t3 = trace_events.createTracing({ categories: ['v8'] });
string | undefined