type alias Temporal.ToStringPrecisionOptions
Options for outputting precision in toString() on types with seconds
fractionalSecondDigits: "auto"
| 0
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9
smallestUnit: SmallestUnit<"minute"
| "second"
| "millisecond"
| "microsecond"
| "nanosecond">
roundingMode: RoundingMode
Controls how rounding is performed:
- `halfExpand`: Round to the nearest of the values allowed by
`roundingIncrement` and `smallestUnit`. When there is a tie, round up.
This mode is the default.
- `ceil`: Always round up, towards the end of time.
- `trunc`: Always round down, towards the beginning of time.
- `floor`: Also round down, towards the beginning of time. This mode acts
the same as `trunc`, but it's included for consistency with
`Temporal.Duration.round()` where negative values are allowed and
`trunc` rounds towards zero, unlike `floor` which rounds towards
negative infinity which is usually unexpected. For this reason, `trunc`
is recommended for most use cases.